Sunday, April 25, 2010

July 1st, Satan's Daycare

So imagine this! I'm sitting here, ear buds in minding my own damn business trying to drown out the sounds of the fucking daycare that has taken up residence in coach when some lady plops her chubby kid in my lap.


When did I say 'oh yes strange lady with the fat baby, I'd love to watch your screaming kid while you use the fucking bathroom'? First of all I had my music up so loud I was surprised my ears weren't bleeding, and second of all I'd never willingly hold a baby I knew let alone one that's been screaming for the past two hours. I could only hope that they were getting off at, and staying off at JFK. If I had to get back on a plane with them for the rest of my flight I was positive there would be officials waiting to take me to jail for child abuse.

Why do people go places with kids they can't control? I don't get it. And than walk around a store with your kid screaming and just ignore it? Well news flash you idiot we can all hear it. Just because you choose not to acknowledge the existence of YOUR screaming child doesn't mean the rest of us can, unfortunately. At least my mom had the decency to leave the eff'n store if I acted up. She didn't stand for that shit. And let me tell you, if and that's a big mother fucking IF, I ever want kids I'll become a recluse if it means I won't be embarrassing myself by ignoring my screaming child as we walk through the mall.

For a half a second the fat kid stopped screaming, concerned I looked down to make sure it was still alive. That was my first mistake. That kid had like ninja puppy dog eyes. They fucking snuck up on you. I almost aww'ed. I know I'm shocked too! Second mistake was actually lifting it up. I was stuck in it's ninja puppy dog  eye tractor beam and was all set to nuzzle it when it fucking spit up on me. Spell broke and mental note to have ovaries removed made. Fucking kids. Please let NYC be their last stop.

boarding flight from JFK to Heathrow with trepidation.

Friday, April 23, 2010



My friends laughed at me when I told them I was going to London over the summer. Sure my little fan girl obsession with Edward Cullen was kept mainly on the DL, however, they still knew the reason I was going. Well, they liked to tease me about it, telling me that he was the reason I was going anyway.

How is it my fault that I may or may not have had one or two little fantasies where I go to London and we bump into each other on the street and strike up a conversation? Then next thing you know we’re having dinner together and before I know it, he’s whisked me off to a modest, yet lavish country estate where we spend the next couple of weeks ravishing each other constantly. 

It’s not my fault and I guarantee you I’m not the only one who’s had those thoughts or wet dreams. I promise you there is definitely more then one person at my office who has a little bit of a crush on Edward Cullen, I’m just brave enough to admit it and put up with the ridicule.

Even though he was three years younger than I am at twenty-six, I couldn’t help the draw I had to him. Sure he was ‘sop him up with a biscuit’ hot, but I knew there was more to him then that. Lately, he had seemed so down and out. He was keeping to himself a lot more lately. He hadn’t been in the limelight for months and the only photographs of him to surface were with his co-star, TDen. Seriously, what kind of nickname is that? Since when are we to lazy to say a full name that we have to shorten it, not that you‘d catch me saying her full name. That is the very same co-star that all the paparazzi seemed insistent he was dating. 

I had my doubts though. Who wouldn’t get close to their co-workers after spending months on end with them and being forced into seclusion together? If he was really dating his co-star, and like everyone wanted to assume, fucking her, I have to think he’d look a bit less tense. A bit more relaxed and not so uptight and on edge. So like I said, I had my doubts that he was doing the nasty with her. No one looks that uptight and tense but is getting a little sumptin’ sumptin’ on the side. 

Plus, if I really thought he was getting down and dirty with her I’d have to question his sanity. She looked absolutely gorgeous on screen, but off screen, she was a hot mess, minus the hot part. When you got up really close to her pictures, the ones where she’s sans make up, her skin looks like dried up leather that was left in the sun for about a century too long. I wonder what that smells like? I had a friend once who tanned a lot, she smelled like a stale sweaty coconut all of the time. If she looks like this in her twenties I’d hate to see her when she hits thirty, actually you know what I take that back. I’d LOVE to see what she’d look like. She alone will be keeping the Beverly Hills plastic surgeons in business for years to come.

But I’m off topic now.

So I’m off to London for the summer. I’m actually going to stay with one of my friends, Rosalie Hale, who I met through a mutual love of the movies Edward stars in and the books from which they were based. Although, he love isn't so much for Edward Cullen, as it is for one of his co-stars, Emmett McCarty. I have to admit, even though he’s really not my type, I can see the attraction because the man is built like a brick-fucking-house. I just like my muscle a little leaner with an unruly mop of auburn hair on top that looks like it was present for some earth shattering sexin’. 

Now I know I said I’m a fan girl but I have to say if I ever saw Edward Cullen walking down the street I’d like to think I’d leave him alone, I hope. I will not be held responsible for any actions my ho-ha might take on my behalf though. I like to think I’d quietly gawk at him, but ultimately, I’d do all my screaming and squealing internally. I hate those girls who think that just because a guy is famous that gives them the right to attack him, and it always seemed like the worse ones were the little tween girls and their moms. Seriously, one is too young to know what to do with it if they had it and the other is just too old. No one wants to see their old saggy tits and worn out cooters, so they can just keep it wrapped up securely in their mom jeans and stop thinking that dressing like their daughter is going to catch his eye.  

Now I know what I’ve said, i.e: see above wet dream, but I don’t want you to think that my going to London is some delusional attempt to try and get Edward Cullen. Sure it may have crossed my mind that he might be there around the same time as me, but really I just have always wanted to travel to London. I’ve always said if there’s a place for me to stay then I’ll go anywhere, and now that I know Rose, I have a place to stay, so off I go.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

June 30th- way to fucking late at night

Shorts tanks shampoo         makeup Passport
Skirts camis conditioner tooth brush wallet
Jeans tshirts product         tooth paste       bag
Underwear bras         flip flops         dresses?          
Socks flats         heels         chucks

June 30th- way to fucking late at night.

I can’t believe how nervous I am. This time tomorrow I’ll be in London. Fucking London England. Fuck I can’t believe it. I’ve been wanting to go there for years. I guess all it took was an unhealthy obsession with teen fiction that left you wanting more. And then in walks Edward Cullen and he was fucking shirtless. I mean you can’t cock block on a shirtless Edward Cullen. It should be illegal. In fact I’m going to see what I can do about making that a law. No more shirts for him. Nada, zip, zilch. In a perfect world maybe.

Oh he was shirtless again and the wings. Love the wings and his jeans, the jeans are so, so close to falling off. Just one little tug. Fuck I love this movie.

Holy hell! It’s 2 in the morning. I need to finish packing and get to bed. Ang is stopping by at 5 to pick up Olivia to watch while I’m gone. Besides Angie I think I’m going to miss my little girl the most. We’ve never been separated a day since I got her as a pup almost 2 years ago.

Fuck me well I better go back to packing. I’m gonna sleep for shit anyways. Oh which reminds me- don’t forget Dramamine.

Bella, over-and-out

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Welcome Gentle Readers

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Welcome to my blog for Diary of a Fangirl, your #1 source for everything B & E-f-C related.

I've decided to start this in an effort to have one place where I can post everything. Teasers, chapters, outfits, random ramblings, you name it I'll post it here. I'd also like a place where I can interact with my readers and followers a bit more. So please feel free to leave any messages, comments, etc, within reason- I don't tolerate intolerance. Which really if you think about it is a form of intolerance all on its own. Oh, I could keep going but then we'd all be sucked into a black hole.

For those of you who may have stumbled upon this all on your own. Click out. Just do it, trust me on this one. You'll be better of not getting sucked into the insanity that is my brain. For those of you who are still reading, well by all means here's a summary to what you've gotten yourself into:

Bella has a secret. A shameful, hideous, horrible secret. She has a crush on actor Edward Cullen, a fan girl crush. What happens when she decides to go to London for the summer? OOC, Robward, potty mouths, and sexual situations. You have been warned.

One of my loyal and faithful readers, avidreader69, described this as an autobiographical wet dream. She was spot on there. Oh and before I forget I'll be posting more pictures of Rob than anyone will know what to do with.

I am MyEdiction over at ffn and TWCSLibrary, links below to both postings.

Disclaimer: Diary of a Fangirl is a work of fiction based off of the books from the Twilight Saga written and owned by Stephenie Meyer. I don't own these characters I just do bad, bad things with them.
